OM (AUM) Mantra

OM (AUM) Mantra

Mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. 

Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations.

Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. 

So, that means, the whole existence is a kind of sound, or a complex amalgamation of sounds – the whole existence is an amalgamation of multiple mantras.

Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. 

If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you.

Om is a spiritual mantra, outstanding to fetch peace and calm. The entire psychological pressure and worldly thoughts are taken away by the chanting of Om mantra.

The science of Cymatics (meaning the study of visible sound and vibration) proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and organizational foundation for the creation of all matter and life on this planet.

Benefits of OM (AUM) Mantra.

1. According to a recent medical report, chanting Om has been associated with reducing stress.
Regular chanting ensures that you feel peaceful from within and are less distracted while doing any form of work.

A person practicing Om chanting regularly feels serene and pious from within.

It is a form of meditation which helps you to know more about your inner self and add more meaning to everything that you do.

2. Chanting of Om is a type of meditation. Improvement in blood circulation and oxygen enriched supply to the body cells are the two most important health benefits of Om chanting. 

 When you chant Om, you have to breathe deeply. This deep breathing process helps to get rid of toxins. That is why; ancient people believed that Om chanting restores your sexuality and youthfulness externally and internally.

3. Ensures Sound Sleep
     Stress and hectic lifestyle impact your lifestyle badly. Late nights of working and waking up late in the morning disturb your overall body cycle. You can improve your sleep and wake up pattern by practicing Om chanting regularly. 
It not only ensures that you fall asleep quickly, but also that you get sound and enough sleep.

4. Improves Reasoning Ability, Reduces Negativity

     A disturbed mind has a tendency to think negative first whenever some untoward incidence happens. But regular Om chanting ensures that you stay positive even in dire circumstances. Your reasoning ability improves and you are able to take right and better decisions in difficult conditions.

5. A long-lasting sense of well-being and balance will manifest into your life.

6. You will start to appreciate every little thing in your life which will turn you into a magnet to attract good things into your life to be thankful for.

7. It improves your concentration and helps you focus on whatever your goals may be.

8. The chanting improves your voice by giving strength to your vocal cords and the muscles around it. This is very helpful during old age.

9. The vibrations of Om open up the sinuses to clear the airways.

10. It has a calming effect on our nervous system.

11. Meditation with Om chanting relaxes our mind and body, our blood pressure decreases and the heart beats with a regular rhyme which is good for our heart health.

12. Om chanting gives us better control over our emotions, which is very important to face the situation with the clear and rational mind.

13. When the OM Mantra is chanted in a group, the effects are amplified, and this will produce immense positive vibrations which charge up the entire vicinity.


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